About Me

Hello cyberworld! I’m Chelsea Robinson, a 3rd year Ph.D. student in the Geography Department at UCLA. My research concerns trees- forest diversity, structure, and spatial patterns, and their relation to remote sensing imagery. My work requires the identification of MANY tree species in the montane rainforest of Costa Rica. Here, I will document the ~100 most common species found along this 100-2800 masl (meters above sea level). Over this large change in elevation, species turnover is quite great, but many species occur at multiple places along the mountain.

If you found my page due to an interest in TREES of Costa Rica, great! I hope this list is helpful.

My work is located in the La Selva Biological Station (low elevation) and Braulio Carrillo National Park (volcanic peak), a contiguous tract of montane rainforest in the northeast of Costa Rica.

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