Quercus costaricensis

Quercus costaricensis. Family: Fagaceae

Trees or shrubs 3-25 m tall, stems bark black to black brown, Bark: sparse lenticels or smooth, furry when young, then glabrous.

Phenology:  Flowers observed from January to April. The fruits are produced from January to September.

Male catkin 4 to 8 (9.5) cm long, green floral green cream; female cones 2 to 4.5 cm long.


Quercus-costaricensis-mature-tree quercus2

Only found at high elevations, often in the upper montane forests, up to 3100 meters elevation.



Fruits solitary, paired to several per inflorescence, the cup of 10-15 by 13-31 mm, brown, very sparsely puberulent to glabrous; acorn ~20-32 by 20-30 mm, with one terminal apex 1.5 to 2 mm long, broadly oval to ovoid.

Petiole sheets 0.2 to 0.5 cm long sheet of 3 to 10 (14.5) by 2.2 to 6,3 (7) cm, elliptic, obovate-elliptic to ovate-elliptical of obtuse to rounded apically, obtuse, obscurely cordate to rounded basally, entire conspicuously moderate revoluta, from glabrous to glabrada in the beam, of thick tomentulosa to glabrada on underside; quickly deciduous stipules.


Common Names: Roble, encino, roble encino, oak

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